For most law firms, last year was a record year for the unexpected—facing disruptions on an unprecedented scale and then scrambling to quickly adapt to drastic market changes posed a huge challenge. In the wake of COVID-19, law firms weren't prepared for what came as a result. Once their IT infrastructures were updated to fully support remote work, technology helped legal professionals virtually meet and conduct business with clients.

But a harsh reality, however, is that a significant number of business law firms had to adopt cost trimming measures due to a drop-off in demand for their services, save for bankruptcy and reorganization work. These included decreased partner draws, layoffs and pay cuts to furloughs and other cuts.

Now, more than ever before, attorneys and business development professionals at major law firms must look to create smart relationship building strategies and techniques—from content delivery and virtual events to better customer experience and customer relationship management practices. The backdrop of all of this in 2021, however, is that there is greater fiscal scrutiny now more than ever before on how law firms are spending their marketing dollars. They must make every opportunity for client engagement count.