Technology is the one space where things did not grind to an absolute halt during the pandemic. There's a lot of talk about momentum in legal tech post-COVID. This week, we review some recent developments in legal tech in Asia. And we start in India where Cyril Amarchand MangaldasPrarambh incubator just selected a second group of three companies.

From International in Hong Kong, this is the Asia Legal Briefing. I am Anna Zhang, here to help you digest some of the stories my colleagues and I write about the law and the business of law in Asia. We are off next week; the next issue will arrive on June 24/25. You can also find this briefing here on our website and sign up to receive copies directly in your inbox. And feel free to share comments and feedback at [email protected] or on Twitter @lawdotcomasia. 

Planet Earth at night with the rising sun with the light of cities illuminating a detailed exaggerated relief. India. South-east Asia. 3D rendering. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

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