Over the past year and a half, the legal research market has rapidly evolved via M&A and new product offerings. But as legal research providers expand their features, large and small tech developers alike still struggle with one significant issue: Some state courthouses severely limit or block online access to its filings. To be sure, that hasn't stopped some legal research platforms, such as Lex MachinaGavelytics and others, from venturing into state court analytics. Still, obstacles remain. "The biggest challenge for Lex Machina are the state courts that don't have documents available for purchase online yet," wrote Lex Machina product management director Carla Rydholm in an email. "Some courts do not yet provide electronic access, but we are optimistic that more will soon." However, the lack of access to some state courts aren't the only roadblocks. From questionable to limited data, legal research platforms share the top challenges of collecting and analyzing state court case files.