There’s a shortage of women in science, technology, engineering, and math. But within the legal tech community, there are many women with thriving careers. Legaltech News presents our latest “STEM Cell” profile. Sherry Kappel recently interviewed Yvonne Sexton shortly after her career progression from enterprise applications director at Pillsbury to that of CIO at Bradley Arant. Congratulations Yvonne!

This profile is a continuation of the Women of Legal Tech series originally published by editor Monica Bay “in order to inspire girls, women (and men).” While there is still a long ways to go (for example, over 90% of CIOs at Am Law 200 law firms are still men), there are many women leading and serving as role models for their work in legal tech across law firms. Between July and the end of September 2021, we’ve featured six women in legal tech at Big Law firms.