On Tuesday, notorious Russian-affiliated ransomware cartel BlackCat claimed to be holding e-discovery platform Casepoint hostage, according to a tweet posted by user FalconFeedsio:

According to the tweet, the sample posted by the hackers on their ALPHV/BlackCat dark web victim blog contains "visa details, a report, a certificate, etc." BlackCat claims to be holding over two terabytes of Casepoint's data hostage, including attorney files and "many other things you have tried so hard to keep."

At the time of publication, Casepoint has not responded to LTN's request for comment. TechCrunch reported that the company is investigating the incident, with co-founder and chief technology officer Vishal Rajpara telling TechCrunch that Casepoint had "activated [its] incident response protocols" on May 30 and "engaged an external forensic firm to help [them] investigate a potential incident."