The fast-paced legal tech world is constantly evolving. At Legaltech News, we always try to bring you the latest news on hirings, product and feature releases, new integrations, legal tech mergers and acquisitions, and more. The Legaltech Rundown is a weekly update of legal tech happenings that might have gone under the radar.

Alexi: On Tuesday, litigation platform Alexi announced the release of Alexi Containers. Containers is intended to allow private instances of Alexi’s artificial intelligence-powered platform to run on law firm customers’ cloud infrastructure to improve privacy and security protections, ensuring that client data never leaves a firm’s servers. It also allows for customization of how the platform’s tools are deployed and what use cases it supports. Tools on the litigation platform include memo drafting, document summarization and a conversational legal assistant. The announcement of Containers comes less than a week after the company released Advanced Legal Reasoning, a new workflow management tool.