First: Yes, it’s true. Finally — after much resistance — I am now the owner of an 80 GB iPod Classic. Yes, yes, yes, I am drinking the Kool-Aid. Yes, it’s great. Yes, I love shuffle.

My boss asked me, “Why did I wait so long?” Well: 1) I was intimidated at the prospect of importing my zillions of CDs; 2) It took me a few trips to memorize every song on United’s XM channels; and 3) GPS, an XM Radio upgrade, and HDTV (a.k.a. heroin) were higher priorities. Yes, I finally got one, and yes, I “get it.” But a cynical question: Why does Apple Inc. have to be so precious about design? It took me 15 minutes to figure out that the directions were hidden in the black paper I thought was packing material, and I had to read the directions to figure out how to turn it on.

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