Thelen Reid & Priest has 450 lawyers, and serves Fortune 500 companies, privately-held companies and small businesses, and individuals. Our practice includes securities, banking and financial services, energy and utilities, entertainment and new media, construction and engineering, and commercial real estate. Our current configuration is the result of a 1998 merger between California’s Thelen Marrin Johnson and Bridges, and New York’s Reid & Priest. We have offices in New York; San Francisco, Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, Calif.; Washington, D.C.; and Morristown, N.J.

We recently represented a plaintiffs’ class of investors in a securities action in the Southern District of New York, Cromer Finance, Lt., et al., v. Michael Berger, et al., Index No. 00 Civ. 2284 (DLC). Our clients sought approximately $350 million in damages for lost investments in an offshore hedge fund, the Manhattan Investment Fund, which was managed in New York, but was audited and administered by the Bermuda offices of Deloitte & Touche and Ernst & Young.

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