We’re all still enjoying the afterglow of LegalTech New York 2013, but methinks the gang from Minnesota took that metaphor a little too literally. Responding to our " 12on12" question about highlights from the three-day show, Michele Lange, a director at Kroll Ontrack, describes her um, er, "incident" with pyrotechnics.
"Not my favorite moment, but my most memorable moment was when the Kroll Ontrack hospitality suite caught on fire because the catering crew accidentally dropped a flaming Sterno cup (you know, those things keeping the coffee pots and buffet trays warm). In over 10 years at LegalTech, I never thought a fire safety merit badge would come in handy!" said Lange, based in Eden Prairie. "Everyone quickly evacuated the room including Ralph Losey and Albert Barsocchini who were witnesses to the drama and we called the hotel security squad. After five tense minutes and several glass plates thrown on the floor to smother the flames (everyone knew to not throw water on the flames), all was calm and back to status quo. I guess the fire just went along with Kroll Ontrack’s rock sTAR theme!" she said.
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