Contract review and analysis provider eBrevia announced on June 16 a new service, called Bespoke, which allows users to customize the company’s proprietary machine learning software to use terms relevant to a particular industry or project. Bespoke is designed to identify and extract contractual terms unique to an industry, company or project, such as a merger and acquisition.
Bespoke enhances the company’s software as a service, which includes the Diligence Accelerator and Lease Abstractor used in mergers and acquisitions and commercial real estate, respectively. The Diligence Accelerator extracts content from legal documents for due diligence and review while the Lease Abstractor extracts lease content, such as rent, term, renewal, options and assignment, and brings it to reviewers’ attention. Extracted content from eBrevia’s technology can be stored in the company’s Contract Manager system or input into a customer’s database.
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