It would be difficult to identify a cloud computing “veteran” in the legal space today, but Nextpoint could be the frontrunner. In 2001, the company provided trial support services and eventually built a software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology for trial preparation and deposition management. When customers started using the service for document review as well, Nextpoint made the necessary improvements to create a powerful platform covering the multiple phases of litigation.
I’ve always considered Nextpoint more of a “bona fide” SaaS provider, because the company truly focuses on the software part of SaaS and outsources its data storage to one of the most secure and trusted cloud computing companies on the planet—Amazon. Nextpoint partnered with Amazon Web Services early on because it couldn’t build a more secure or scalable infrastructure than what Amazon had already created and maintained. (You can read more about Nextpoint’s security practices at a special site they built to answer questions:
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