Kroll Ontrack is adding kCura’s Relativity to its e-discovery offering in Asia. Lawyers and their clients stand to benefit from the latest move, the company said, for among other reasons, they will get increased “flexibility” when selecting document review tools, depending on the needs of specific projects.

“Each and every e-discovery or investigative project is unique, with different data locations, parameters and deadlines, requiring different technology functionality,” Michele Lange, director at Kroll Ontrack, told Legaltech News. “Our goal is to make it easier for both law firms and companies — in any part of the world — to choose a leading review tool best suited to their or their client’s needs, either Review or Relativity, based on workflow requirements, data analytics, user preferences and other features. The addition of Relativity to Kroll Ontrack’s offerings in the Asia marketplace means our team now is equipped with a flexible toolkit and the expertise to recommend the best approach to solve every customer challenge.”

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