Given that the BlackBerry has become something of a ubiquitous presence in the hands and pockets of many attorneys, and also given that these devices are far from bulletproof, a niche in the marketplace has emerged. It seems that not only do attorneys want a BlackBerry, they also want their BlackBerry, which presents something of a problem for those units that are out of warranty.

As anyone who has ever used one can attest, BlackBerrys are easy to drop — and often do. In fact, the phrase “the BlackBerry dunk,” which is apparently rather common, refers to all the ones that have fallen into toilets while unabashedly being used there. And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as BlackBerrys are dropped like clockwork every day around the world, resulting in broken screens. Or they’re accidentally covered in beach sand, literally eaten by the family dog or virtually every other imaginable hazard that can befall a sensitive electronic instrument. Thus, the question of what to do — race to the nearest store for a brand new BlackBerry? Well, maybe not.

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