With high-profile criticism mounting on multiple fronts on issues such as fake news and election interference, Facebook has had a rough few years. But one of the country's foremost data privacy advocates doesn't place the blame for such controversies squarely on the social media giant. Rather, he argued that the Federal Trade Commission has played a significant role in events such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Brexit and election of President Donald Trump.

“It's easy to criticize Facebook for their business practices and their disregard for the rights of internet users,” said Electronic Privacy Information Center president and executive director Marc Rotenberg in a speech in Dublin. “However, the real responsibility lies with those who have the authority to regulate internet companies and protect basic rights. We must expect more of those who are responsible for safeguarding the public interest.”

Rotenberg was speaking at an event organized by the Irish legal rights organization FLAC. His comments were reported by Irish Tech News and The Irish Times.