Charles “Chad” Everingham IV knows the Eastern District of Texas as well as anyone, having served as a judge in the litigation hotspot until 2011, when he decamped for Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. He’s put that knowledge to good use in recent months, helping the firm win two plaintiffs verdict in the district.

Everingham’s latest victory came Wednesday on behalf of a small Texas company called LBDS Holding Company, which developed high-tech software for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. LBDS alleged that it struck a potentially lucrative partnership with a Korean MRI company called ISOL Technology Inc., only to have ISOL misappropriate its software. Jurors in Tyler, Texas, awarded LBDS $24.4 million on its contract claim and $760,000 on a trade secrets misappropriation claim.

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