Gerry Weber

Gerry Weber

September 10, 2020 | Daily Report Online

Health Scare Prompts Lawyer to Evaluate Professionalism and Video Depositions

Like the rest of America, some lawyers are plowing ahead, not fearing (and sometimes not believing) the risks, while others are of a more careful mindset.

By Gerry Weber

7 minute read

April 22, 2008 | Daily Report Online

Letter: Superior Court does not have 'broad leeway' with voir dire

The story that appeared Monday on the Daily Report's Web site, "Judge closes jury selection in death of 92-year-old woman," suggests that judges have "broad leeway" to close criminal proceedings. They do not have such leeway, especially in Georgia.In Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia, 448 U.S. 555 1980, the United States Supreme Court held that the public's right to attend criminal trials is protected by the First Amendment.

By Gerry Weber

2 minute read

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