$975M Fine in China

Chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. said on Feb. 9 that it has agreed to pay a $975 million fine to the Chinese government following a 14-month antitrust investigation.

The company said that China's National Development and Reform Com­mission had concluded that Qualcomm violated China's Antimonopoly Law by overcharging Chinese customers for patent royalties. Along with the fine, Qualcomm promised several measures to reduce royalty charges in China.

Qualcomm said it was ­disappointed but would not contest the decision. “We are pleased that the resolution has removed the uncertainty surrounding our business in China, and we will now focus our full attention and resources on supporting our customers and partners in China and pursuing the many opportunities ahead,” chief executive officer Steve Mollenkopf said.

NSA Snooping Suit Fails

SAN FRANCISCO — The federal government scored a major victory on Feb. 10, snuffing out a court challenge to the mass surveillance of Americans' online communications.