The independent documentary film “Gored” tells the story of Antonio Barrera, reputedly the bullfighter who's been gored more often than anyone in the sport's history. The movie includes archival footage of Barrera getting the sharp end of ill-tempered bulls, but for Diana Yu and Jonathan Yellin, one of the best parts comes during the credits, when their names scroll up the screen.

Their inclusion in the credits was director Ido Mizrahy's way of thanking the students from Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law for the countless hours they devoted to legal matters for his film though the law school's Indie Film Clinic.

“It was very cool,” Yu said after attending the “Gored” premiere during the Tribeca Film Festival with Yellin in April; they hadn't been forewarned about the credit. “It felt great to get that kind of ­recognition for things you do in a law school clinic.”