The first debate: Gay marriage, privacy and health care were among the legal issues that Republican presidential contenders responded to Thursday night in Ohio for the first GOP debate, the NLJ's Katelyn Polantz reports. Politico reports here on the heated exchange between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul over the bulk collection of Americans' phone records. The Washington Post covers the debate here.

Pa. AG charged: Pennsylvania's Attorney General Kathleen Kane was charged Thursday with leaking secret grand jury information and lying about it under oath, the AP reports. Kane leaked the material to a political operative to pass on to the media to strike back at her critics and embarrass former state prosecutors who, she believed, made her look bad, Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman said. The 49-year-old Democrat was charged with perjury, obstruction, conspiracy and other offenses. She is expected to surrender her title within days. NLJ affiliate The Legal Intelligencer has more here.

Never-ending: “A civil lawsuit is entering the pantheon of long-running court cases, passing 10 years in May with no end, or even a trial, in sight. The suit was brought in 2005 by Eliot L. Spitzer, the New York attorney general at the time, and accused Maurice R. Greenberg , the former chief executive of the American International Group , and another former company executive of accounting fraud,” The New York Times reports.