Moonshot Man: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton partner Ethan Klingsberg advised Google on its creation of the parent company Alphabet this month. David Ruiz of The Recorder, an ALM sister paper, profiles Google's relationship with Klinsberg and the antitrust team at Cleary.

Law Firm Safe: Peter Baker of the New York Times profiles David Kendall's career of lawyering at Williams & Connolly, especially for the Clintons. “Today, the object of concern for David E. Kendall is a tiny thumb drive that sat in a safe at his law firm until a couple weeks ago before attracting the attention of Congress, the F.B.I. and the news media,” Baker writes. “Once again, the whirlpool of Washington politics has arrived at Mr. Kendall's doorstep as he defends perhaps the world's most famous client.”

Alabama Story: The Times takes on a second well-known lawyer in a weekend profile. This one features Tonja Carter, the de factor keeper of Harper Lee, her fortune and her most recent work, “Go Set a Watchman.”