President Donald Trump announced Friday that Joseph Hunt, chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is his nominee to lead the Justice Department's Civil Division.

Before becoming Sessions' right-hand man earlier this year, Hunt spent 15 years at the DOJ as director of the Federal Programs Branch within the Civil Division, which defends federal agencies from litigation. As leader of the Civil Division, Hunt would oversee six sections, including the appellate staff, federal programs and consumer protection branch.

Many of Trump's DOJ nominees are lingering in confirmation limbo. Trump's picks for solicitor general as well as heads of the Antitrust Division, Criminal Division and Civil Rights Division have yet to be confirmed, though they have appeared for hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Several lawyers were rumored to be potential picks for the Civil Division spot, including Watchtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz partner George Conway, husband of presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway.