The husband and daughter of Elaine Herzberg, who was struck and killed by an Uber vehicle operating in autonomous mode in a Phoenix suburb earlier this month, have reached a settlement with the company, according to their attorney.

“Bellah Perez PLLC, the daughter and the husband of the late Ms. Herzberg have no further comments on this matter as it has been resolved,” Bellah Perez partner Cristina Perez Hesano said in an email to The Recorder on Thursday.

The settlement was first reported by Reuters. An Uber spokesman declined to comment.

The quick settlement appears to allow Uber to avoid confronting novel questions of legal liability in court. Some attorneys observing the case had predicted that, if a lawsuit were brought, Uber would be held to a strict liability standard for any malfunctions with the car.

A spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board said the agency's investigation into the Uber accident is ongoing, and that it would likely issue a preliminary report outlining the facts in three weeks. The National High Traffic Safety Administration, a regulator of the automotive industry, has also launched an investigation into the accident, as have police in Tempe, Arizona.