U.S. Capitol. Credit: Mike Scarcella/ NLJ

Christine Blasey Ford, in a statement prepared for Thursday's hearing on her alleged sexual assault accusation against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, reveals her motivation in speaking out and shares her memory of how the claimed misconduct “drastically altered my life.” Kavanaugh has vehemently denied the sexual assault claim.

“My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh's actions have damaged my life, so that you can take that into serious consideration as you make your decision about how to proceed,” Ford wrote in her prepared statement. “It is not my responsibility to determine whether Mr. Kavanaugh deserves to sit on the Supreme Court. My responsibility is to tell the truth.”

Ford wrote: “I don't have all the answers, and I don't remember as much as I would like to. But the details about that night that bring me here today are ones I will never forget. They have been seared into my memory and have haunted me episodically as an adult.”


Read Christine Blasey Ford's prepared statement here: