Robins Kaplan office sign.

Tell us about your biggest win or wins this year.

Robins Kaplan serves as co-lead counsel in a long-running MDL surrounding payment card interchange fees. In September, the parties reached a class wide settlement for $6.26 billion which is one of if not the largest-ever antitrust class action settlement. The firm is also court appointed co-lead counsel in litigation surrounding alleged price-fixing and bid-rigging conspiracies among automotive parts manufacturers—litigation that this year surpassed $1.1 billion in settlements.

What's the biggest lesson you learned practicing law?

There is no such thing as being too prepared.

Recently, what's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted?

The proliferation of arbitration agreements with class-action waivers in customer agreements have made a significant mark in our practice area. We challenge these clauses to seek justice for our clients who may have entered into these agreements without choice, unfortunately with mixed results due to the current state of the law. Nonetheless, we continue to seek justice for our clients.

Answers submitted by Hollis Salzman, assistant managing partner, co-chair, antitrust and trade regulation group, member of executive board.