Kalpana Srinivasan, Susman Godfrey.

What's the best lesson you learned practicing law?

Walk the walk. Nothing says more about your practice than the quality of the work you do – whether in your writing, dealing with your clients or standing up in court. Treat each opportunity, big or small, as a chance to showcase your strengths and put your best foot forward.

What's the biggest challenge women lawyers face and how have you surmounted that challenge?

Getting to stand on the frontline. Women lawyers are doing incredible work at all levels. But not enough of these talented women hold leadership roles in big cases or get substantial court time at trial or in major hearings. I was lucky enough to practice as a young lawyer at Susman Godfrey, which fostered those opportunities very early on, and it has always served (and remains) a priority for me as a woman in the profession.

How would your peers describe your impact on the profession?

I hope I have shown my peers—and more importantly those female lawyers following us—that your career does not have to be defined by any single thing or follow one particular trajectory. I have represented clients on both sides of the “v.,” tried cases in state and federal court, and handled actions in various substantive areas that appeal to me. Finding work that is challenging and motivating – and working with others who keep it fun—makes all the difference. I have tried to do all of that while not losing my sense of self or sense of humor!