Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll offices in Washington, D.C.

Tell us about your biggest win or wins this year.

Working closely with our colleagues at Jenner & Block, counsel in a companion case, we represent the NAACP, the UFCW and the AFT in one of several cases challenging the rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the program which for more than six years deferred deportation of immigrants who entered this country as children and have become productive members of our communities. On April 24, 2018, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that the decision to rescind the DACA program violated the Administrative Procedure Act and entered summary judgment. While the decision will be the subject of appellate review, the ruling represents a significant victory for the Dreamers who were members of our client organizations and their sisters and brothers throughout the country.

What's the biggest lesson you learned practicing law?

Success that can make a real difference in peoples' lives and in our society often requires years of perseverance and the steadfast conviction that what may have seemed impossible is achievable.

Answers submitted by Joseph M. Sellers, partner and chair, civil rights and employment practice.