Robins Kaplan office sign.

Tell us about your biggest win or wins this year.

This year, we represented a woman who contracted a serious infection while undergoing eye surgery. The infection, which occurred when the defendant hospital infused contaminated irrigation fluid into our client's eye during surgery, ultimately destroyed the retina, resulting in the loss of the eye. Following a two-week trial, the jury awarded $3.1 million. We have also negotiated settlements in confidential medical malpractice matters totaling over $58 million.


What's the biggest lesson you learned practicing law?

Work ethic is the most significant and important value one can have. Tenacity, never giving up, and striving to do your best for all of your clients, regardless of case size or client background, is key.


Recently, what's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted?

Medical malpractice cases are becoming more and more difficult to successfully handle.  Electronic medical records have dramatically increased the cost of pursuing such claims, and yet there appears to be an ever-increasing need for plaintiff lawyers who are willing to handle these claims for injured consumers.

Answers submitted by Peter Schmit, partner, chair, national personal injury and medical malpractice group.