Berger Montague's lobby at the firm's offices in Philadelphia.

Tell us about your biggest win or wins this year.

This has been an incredible year for our consumer and employment departments and for our firm as a whole. I've had the opportunity to work on a large number of important cases and of course every case is important to our client in that particular case, who we serve. It is always about the clients and achieving the goals that they set out at the beginning of the representation. That's how we define success.

What's the biggest lesson you learned practicing law?

Relationships matter. Treat all of them with respect. This includes opposing counsel. It also includes everyone you come in contact with from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep.

Recently, what's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted?

As plaintiffs' litigation lawyers, our practice is always changing and we need to adjust constantly to meet the demand. In the areas of consumer and employment where I practice, for example, arbitration is becoming more prevalent. So we have adjusted and become quite adept at defeating arbitration clauses and if we cannot, then obtaining large recoveries for our clients in arbitration.

Answers submitted by Shanon Carson, managing shareholder.