Brian Walsh, with Wiley Rein.

Employer: Wiley Rein
Title and Practice Area: Partner, Government Contracts

What was the most valuable lesson you learned in your first year of practice? When you discover there is a problem, especially one you created, always come to the person you are working for (whether it be a more senior attorney where you work or a client) with a solution to that problem, not just the problem.

Describe your biggest win or accomplishment in practice. My first argument as lead attorney in a large bid protest matter at the Court of Federal Claims. We developed a novel basis for dismissing the case, the judge praised our briefing in court and the protester withdrew within days of the oral argument.

Who do you consider to be your greatest lawyer mentor? The Hon. Daniel M. Friedman on the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. On day one of my clerkship, he taught me that in court, and in life, you should always answer the question you were asked, not the question you wish you were asked.

Please share a key to your success. I've been successful at cultivating good relationships with many of my clients because I care about them as people, not just as clients. Obviously not everyone wants to share personal information with their lawyer, but if they do, and you are willing to listen and show interest, it builds trust.