Adam Shartzer, with Fish & Richardson.

Employer: Fish & Richardson
Title and Practice Area: Principle, Patent Litigation

What was the most valuable lesson you learned in your first year practicing law? Success in complex litigation is achieved through the collective efforts of a talented team rather than the efforts of any one person. Since then, I have worked to invest in and surround myself with the top talent in our firm.

Describe your biggest win or accomplishment in practice. Arguing and winning the appeal that cemented an across-the-board litigation victory on behalf of Micron Technology is my biggest win. It required seven years across four different tribunals, and we invalidated all three asserted patents during inter partes review before the [U.S. Patent and Trademark Office].

Who is your greatest lawyer mentor, and what has he or she taught you? [Fish & Richardson intellectual property partner] Ruffin Cordell is my greatest mentor. He taught me the value of leadership by example through side-by-side work with even the newest associates and its importance to fostering a cohesive and effective litigation team.

Please share a brief key to your success. Remaining personally connected to my clients and adopting a client-service mentality are the keys to my success. Whether it's a phone call to check in or a hand-written note of thanks, I want my clients to know that I care about their legal issues and also their wellbeing.