Eric Cramer, with Berger & Montague.

Tell us about your biggest client wins this year. [Berger Montague's] most significant antitrust successes in 2019 include: (1) the preliminary settlement approval of Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation, in which the defendants agreed to pay between $5.54 billion to $6.24 billion to settle the case—the largest-ever antitrust class action settlement; and (2) [its] $80 million settlement received final approval in In re Dental Supplies Antitrust Litigation, a suit brought against the three largest dental supply distributors in the U.S. [The firm] served as co-lead counsel for a class of merchants in the former and dental practices and laboratories in the latter.

What's the best lesson you learned as a young lawyer? Never be outworked, out-researched or out-prepared.

What's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted? As the standard for class certification ratchets up, [the firm makes] sure to bring only the most meritorious cases with clear class-wide approaches.

Share an interesting fact about your firm that few know. [Firm] founder David Berger was one of the first in the country to bring antitrust and securities class actions.

Submitted by Eric Cramer, Berger Montague chairman.