(l-r) Michael J. Willemin, Lawrence M. Pearson, Douglas H. Wigdor, Jeanne M. Christensen, and David E. Gottlieb, with Wigdor LLP.

Tell us about your biggest client wins this year. Michael Willemin handled various high-profile cases that received significant media coverage. Sixty-seven New York state legislators signed a letter in support of Willemin's client after she was billed $185,000 by the arbitrators in her sexual harassment and gender discrimination case against Ernst & Young, which raised substantial awareness of the injustices of mandatory arbitration agreements. Willemin and the firm reached multiple seven-figure and high-six-figure dollar settlements. He also obtained dismissal of counterclaims.

What's the best lesson you learned as a young lawyer? Pushing cases aggressively is the best way to maximize the potential for a positive outcome.

What's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted? The proliferation of arbitration agreements. Finding creative ways to put pressure on companies to waive arbitration agreements.

Share an interesting fact about your firm that few know. Wigdor recently filed the first-ever maternity discrimination lawsuit on behalf of a proposed class of women that have needed to pump breast milk during work hours.

Submitted by Michael Willemin, Wigdor partner.