Top, left to right: Bill Carmody, Brian Melton, and Shawn Rabin .Bottom, left to right: Stephen Shackelford, Kalpana Srinivasan, and Max Tribble. All with Susman Godfrey.

Tell us about your biggest client wins this year. TitleSource v. HouseCanary, in which Susman Godfrey secured a unanimous $706.2 million jury verdict on behalf of real estate analytics firm. This was single largest defense verdict in the last decade and the largest single-party verdict of 2018. In another case, the firm won a jury verdict on behalf of Steve Lamar's Jibe Audio for $25.25 million against Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine. Additionally, Susman Godfrey obtained a jury verdict valued at more than $160 million for General Electric and then obtained an appellate victory affirming that verdict.

What's the best lesson you learned as a young lawyer? A prepared lawyer is the most successful lawyer in the courtroom.

What's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted? Beyond jury trials, our cases increasingly involve arbitrations and bench trials all around the globe; we have stayed nimble to handle anything, anywhere.

Share an interesting fact about your firm that few know. One lawyer, one vote: Every attorney in the firm has an equal vote in firm matters such as hiring and decisions on new cases to accept.

Submitted by Bill Carmody, Brian Melton, Shawn Rabin, Stephen Shackelford, Kalpana Srinivasan and Max Tribble.