Tell us about your biggest client wins this year. After hearing oral argument presented by Edelson associate J. Aaron Lawson, the Ninth Circuit affirmed in full the district court's class certification order in Patel v. Facebook. In addition to class certification, the Court addressed the key issue of Article III standing and concluded that the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act "protects the plaintiffs' concrete privacy interests[,] and violations of the procedures in BIPA actually harm or pose a material risk of harm to those privacy interests[.]" After remand, the case will be scheduled for a trial.

What's the best lesson you learned as a young lawyer? When it comes to developing new areas of the law, the key thing is to identify a practical wrong first and then keep working until you find the right legal remedy.

What's been the most significant change in your practice area and how have you adjusted? Far more lawyers are now filing privacy suits but are not actually committed to privacy rights. We have been very critical publicly and in the courts in order to protect privacy law from within.