(l-r) Jeanne Christensen, David Gottlieb, Michael Willemin, Lawrence Pearson and Douglas Wigdor, with Wigdor. (l-r) Michael J. Willemin, Lawrence M. Pearson, Douglas H. Wigdor, Jeanne M. Christensen and David E. Gottlieb.

Tell us about your biggest client wins this year. An executive of a large bank learned that the reason a large commercial real estate loan was not approved was because a senior executive did not like that the area of the project (Harlem) is heavily populated by African Americans. This employee complained about this to HR and executives at the bank and was then fired. The bank attempted to dismiss the case on the grounds that it is not unlawful to fire an employee for complaining about racist business practices. Wigdor defeated that motion.

What's the best lesson you learned as a young lawyer? Always push yourself to take the next step in advancing your litigation skillset—you're probably more "ready" than you realize.

What's been the most significant change in your practice area, and how have you adjusted? The proliferation of arbitration agreements, adjusted by thinking creatively about how to get around them or use them to the client's advantage.

Share an interesting fact about your firm that few know. Firm social outings typically involve competition, which has included tennis, shuffleboard, bocce, spin class, ping pong, golf and escape room.

Submitted by David Gottlieb, Wigdor partner.