U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs of the District of Massachusetts gave Harvard University's admission processes an "A" grade, finding the school's consideration of race and personal traits ensures a diverse student body.

After a three-week bench trial, Burroughs found for the Ivy League college, finding its affirmative-action techniques pass the constitutional test and holds an important place in society.

"The students who are admitted to Harvard and choose to attend will live and learn surrounded by all sorts of people, with all sorts of experiences, beliefs and talents," Burroughs wrote. "They will have the opportunity to know and understand one another beyond race, as whole individuals with unique histories and experiences."

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Plaintiff, nonprofit group Students for Fair Admissions Inc. and its chief Edward Blum, had alleged the president and fellows of Harvard College violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by limiting the number of Asian American applicants accepted.