U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in his first major public appearance since joining the court 13 months ago, spoke before an adulatory crowd of Federalist Society members Thursday night, thanking them, his friends, family and fellow justices for helping him get through his confirmation proceedings and his first year on the court.

"My theme, in a word, is gratitude," Kavanaugh said before nearly 3,000 society members, the largest gathering in the conservative organization's 37 years of existence. Kavanaugh said his "lifetime mission" will be "to thank my friends over and over again."

The Federalist Society dinner took over the main hall of Washington's Union Station, as protesters outside shouted that Kavanaugh should be impeached for his alleged instances of sexual abuse in his youth, claims that arose at his confirmation hearing. A truck outside the train station featured video testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh, then a high school student, of trying to sexually assault her. Some demonstrators made their way inside, blowing shrill whistles to drown out Kavanaugh's speech. They were ushered out quickly.