As the Aerospace Corporation's Center for Space Policy and Strategy has recognized: "A new generation of spacecraft designed specifically for In-space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing is leading [the] charge towards a new space economy." ISAM, which includes in-space repair of spacecraft, construction of systems in space, and manufacturing in space, "could become one of the largest industries in space and also one of the biggest customers to other in-space economy fields," according to Factories in Space's 2022 In-Space Manufacturing Industry Survey.

The Federal Communications Commission, which is charged with regulating satellite communications, this year proposed to regulate ISAM Space Stations and the burgeoning ISAM segment of space commerce. The FCC's ISAM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which closed for public comment this spring, indicates that the FCC intends to take further action in this sector as well, through more NPRMs.