Jones Day: Andrew B. Steinberg joins the firm’s government regulation practice as a partner in the Washington office. Previously, Steinberg served as both the assistant secretary for aviation and international affairs, and as the chief counsel of the Federal Aviation Administration for the U.S. Department of Transportation.


Allen & Overy (London): Twenty-eight attorneys have been promoted to partnership across 15 offices in 13 countries in six global practice groups — in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Gerard Kastelein (international capital markets); in Antwerp, Belgium, Christian Bayart (employment and benefits); in Bangkok, Thailand, Suparerk Auychai (banking); in Brussels, Belgium, Sophie Jacmain (litigation); in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Anzal Mohammed (international capital markets); in Frankfurt, Germany, Olaf Meisen and Norbert Wiederholt (banking); in Hong Kong, Roger Lui (banking) and William Woo (corporate); in Luxembourg, Fabian Beullekens (corporate) and Jean-Luc Fisch (tax); in Milan, Italy, Pasquale Cardellicchio (litigation); in Moscow, Konstantin Kroll (international capital markets) and Stephen Matthews (banking); in New York, Daniel Guyder (banking); in Paris, Alexandre Ancel (corporate) and Florence Ninane (competition); in Shanghai, China, Richard Kim and Ji Zou (corporate); in Warsaw, Poland, Tomasz Kawczynski (banking); in London, Conrad Andersen and Paul Nelson (banking), Neil Bowden (employment and benefits), Richard Evans, Jim Ford, George Knighton and Dominic Morris (corporate) and Deborah North (international capital markets).

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld: William A. Alexander was promoted to partner in the firm’s energy and global transactions practice in the Houston office. Alexander will focus on domestic and international oil and gas exploration, development, production and transportation activities; energy-related mergers, acquisitions and divestitures; privatizations and capitalizations; sale and purchase of natural gas and power; energy marketing and trading activities; and other energy-related work. Previously, Alexander was a senior counsel to the firm.


Joel Levitin

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