The Section of Labor and Employment Law’s premier continuing legal education event of the year is its annual CLE conference. The first annual CLE conference was held in Philadelphia in the fall and attracted more than 1,100 attendees. The meeting created a significant buzz among practitioners and filled a need for a large across-the-field gathering. The second annual CLE conference is scheduled for Denver from Sept. 10 through Sept. 13, and the third conference will be held in Washington in late fall 2009. The conference includes a multitracked curriculum focusing on all aspects of the practice and offering sessions targeted at varying levels of practice experience. It includes litigation and consulting tracks, with separate tracks on traditional labor law, alternative dispute resolution, fundamentals, wage and hour, employee benefits, international labor and employment law, ethics and electronic discovery. The section awards a Federal Government Labor and Employment Attorney of the Year Award and a Pro Bono Award at the annual CLE conference.
The section has more than 23,000 members involved in all aspects of labor and employment law — including union and employee lawyers, employer and management labor lawyers, neutrals, government lawyers and law students. The section functions primarily through its 18 standing committees, each of which focuses on distinct substantive law areas within the broad range of labor and employment, such as equal employment opportunity, employee benefits and labor-management relations. From February through April of each year, the committees hold their mid-winter meetings. The committees provide substantial CLE programming at those meetings, in locations that afford time for networking and relaxation.
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