The Section of Law Practice Management is a leading source for guidance in the core areas of law practice marketing, management, technology and finance. In the increasingly competitive legal profession, law firm partners, associates, in-house counsel and law office administrators all must contribute to a firm’s management. The section is committed to helping lawyers and firms meet the challenges associated with the practice of law.

The section leads the profession in recognizing the benefits of technology in the law office and in educating lawyers and law firms on the use of technology. The section’s well-known ABA Techshow conference and exposition in Chicago, now in its 23d year, is regarded as one of the premier legal technology programs in the United States. The three-day event offers more than 50 educational programs, most with continuing legal education credit, and an exposition featuring more than 120 legal technology vendors. The 2009 ABA Techshow will be held at the Hilton Chicago from April 2 through April 4.

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