After 27 years on the bench, International Trade Commission legend Paul Luckern is retiring on Aug. 3. The longest-serving administrative law judge in ITC history, Luckern, 81, presided over more than 100 high-stakes intellectual property disputes involving some of the biggest companies in the world. His retirement comes on the heels of the departure of ALJ Carl Charneski, who joined Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione in Washington on July 21. That leaves the ITC with just four judges to manage an unprecedented number of IP disputes involving companies such as Samsung, Apple Inc. and LG Corp. An ITC spokeswoman says the agency is “actively pursuing” replacements. Luckern, who sometimes held hearings six days a week until 10 p.m., was known for his intellect, his brightly colored wardrobe — and occasionally, his temper. As he put it in a 2010 interview, “I enjoy confronting lawyers.” Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg name partner V. James Adduci II called Luckern “a tireless judge who never asked more from the parties before him than he was willing to give.” — Jenna Greene


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