MCGUIREWOODS: Brian Parker, co-chairman of the life sciences industry group, has been appointed managing partner of the firm’s Pittsburgh office, succeeding David Pusateri, who was recently named deputy managing partner of the firm’s corporate practice. Parker focuses his practice on defending pharmaceutical companies in litigation involving both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE (Detroit): Trent Taylor, a partner in the firm’s financial and institutions group, has been appointed resident director of the firm’s Grand Rapids, Mich., office. Taylor focuses his practice on commercial lending, general business law and real estate.


DLA PIPER: Beni Surpin joins the firm’s technology, sourcing and commercial group, and its intellectual property and technology and corporate practices, as partner in the San Diego office. He will focus on intellectual property, technology and commercial transactions. Previously, Surpin was a partner at Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton.

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