Willis Group Holdings PLC is an insurance broker and risk management consultant whose roots extend back to 1928. Headquartered in London, the company also maintains a substantial presence in New York. In all, 17,000 employees do business in 400 offices in 120 countries and amass annual revenues of about $3.5 billion. Basically, the company helps clients in industries including aerospace, health care and construction put together packages to insure against complex risks. They can even buy a policy against extortion.


General counsel Adam Rosman supervises 170 employees in six departments — legal, compliance, secretariat, risk, audit and business continuity. He has 35 lawyers on staff and five secondees — attorneys sent by outside law firms to work with Willis. The legal department is split into three groups: North America, United Kingdom and an international group. If the company needs outside counsel for a specific matter, he leaves the oversight to the lawyer responsible for the business location in question, but ultimately Rosman makes the hire.

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