Supreme Court: The D.C. Bar presents “The Supreme Court: The View From the Press Gallery.” Noon. Speakers: Robert Barnes, The Washington Post; Joan Biskupic, Thomson Reuters; Jesse Holland, The Associated Press; Adam Liptak, The New York Times; Tony Mauro, Legal Times and American Lawyer Media; David Savage, The Los Angeles Times; Arthur Spitzer (moderator), American Civil Liberties Union of the Nation’s Capital. Location: Arnold & Porter, 555 12th St. N.W. Cost: $20, government and nonprofit employees; $25, co-sponsoring section members; $30, nonsection members. Registration and information: (202) 626-3463 or
Congressional Budget Office: The D.C. Bar presents “Brown Bag Lunch with Congressional Budget Office General Counsel Mark Hadley.” Noon. Location: D.C. Bar Conference Center, 1101 K St. N.W. Cost: $5-$15. Registration and information: (202) 626-3463 or