Woodman Labs Inc., doing business as GoPro, makes small, high-definition cameras used by surfers, skiers, athletes, firefighters and adventurers to record and share their feats. The privately held company was founded in 2002 by surfer Nicholas Woodman, who wanted to capture quality images of wave riders in action. Based in San Mateo, Calif., GoPro has more than 600 employees and sells its products in more than 100 countries. Forbes magazine estimated Woodman’s net worth at $1.3 billion in 2013.


Since becoming GoPro’s first general counsel in September, Sharon Zezima has added two attorneys — one to handle commercial matters and the other to take on the company’s extensive intellectual property portfolio — plus a contracts administrator. Zezima focuses on strategic matters and delegates legal work to her staff and outside counsel, she said. Mergers and acquisitions also figure into her job — a few weeks after she began at GoPro, the company acquired San Francisco-based digital design and software studio General Things Inc.


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