Five partners — Frederic Levy, Michael Scheininger, Ray Biagini, Jason “Jay” Carey and Daniel Johnson — join the government-contracts practice. Levy will be a practice co-chairman. All had previously worked at McKenna Long & Aldridge. Levy earned his J.D. from Columbia Law School. Scheininger attended University of Pennsylvania Law School. Biagini earned his J.D. from University of Notre Dame Law School. Carey and Johnson attended the University of Virginia School of Law.


Kevyn Orr rejoins the firm as a partner in the business restructuring and reorganization practice and as partner-in-charge of the Washington office. He succeeds Gregory Shumaker, who becomes head of the global disputes practice, in the latter position. Orr had been emergency manager for the city of Detroit since 2013. He earned his J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School.


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