PDA: A lesbian couple alleged in a lawsuit this week that a Honolulu police officer harassed and arrested them after seeing their displays of affection at a grocery store. While walking through the store during their March vacation, Courtney Wilson and her girlfriend, Taylor Guerrero, held hands and, at one point, stopped to hug and kiss, drawing the attention of an off-duty but uniformed police officer. The officer, Bobby Harrison, initially told them to “take it somewhere else.” Harrison later confronted the couple at the check-out line and arrested them after a scuffle. Wilson and Guerrero were charged with assault on a police officer, but the charges were dropped in July.

Holder: Former Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., now a partner at Covington & Burling, sent a letter to public officials this week arguing that Connecticut’s new gaming act violates the Constitution because it favors the state’s Indian tribes over other potential casino developers. As MassLive.com reported, Holder’s firm is representing MGM Resorts International in its lawsuit against Connecticut’s new law, which allows the state’s two tribal casino operators to begin seeking a site for a potential third casino. “Although Connecticut has the right—indeed, the responsibility—to promote economic growth, to seek to ameliorate the historical inequities visited upon Native Americans, and to create new jobs for its residents, the laws it enacts to achieve those goals must comply with the United States Constitution and Connecticut’s legal commitment to fair competition in state contracting,” Holder wrote. “Special Act 15-7 fails both of these tests.”

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