San Francisco’s Farella Braun + Martel is no stranger to big business, despite being a midsized firm. In 2015, the firm represented Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. in the acquisition of substantially all of the winery assets of Diageo PLC for approximately $600 million, including its U.S. wine subsidiary Diageo Chateau & Estates, which, the firm says, was the largest U.S. wine deal of 2015. The transaction included the acquisition of such highly regarded brands as Sterling Vineyards, Beaulieu Vineyards, Provenance and Acacia.

“Treasury Wine Estates is the largest publicly traded, ‘pure play’ wine company in the world. As a result of this transaction, they approximately doubled the size of their U.S. operations and became a more prominent and influential player in the U.S. market,” said Daniel Cohn, the Farella partner who led the team that completed the deal.

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