An email war of words over ballet classes resulted in a dance school principal and a student’s father reporting each other to the police. Neil Marsh asked to attend his daughter’s class at Danceworks Studios in Cheltenham, England, because he was concerned about her lack of progress. The principal, Whanita La Bouchardiere, told him parents were only permitted to attend the final class of each term. Marsh asked her to relax that rule and she refused. When Marsh posted an unfavorable review of the school on social media, La Bouchardiere sent him an email calling him a “stupid, stupid little man.” Separate calls were made to the police. A Gloucester Police spokesman told The Telegraph that an office spoke to both ­parties and gave them each “suitable words of advice.” La Bouchardiere admitted, “It was in the heat of the moment that I said ‘stupid, stupid little man.’ “


A grand jury in Halifax County, North Carolina, agreed to indict Raylon Parker on an assault charge. Serving on the grand jury at the time of the indictment? Raylon Parker.

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